Guiding Principles in the Formulation of the Plan

After reviewing the processes involved in spatial planning and studying the characteristics of Israel’s Mediterranean Sea marine space, the participants and planning team identified ten guiding principles for planning, in keeping with the essence of the plan. These are as follows:

  1. The plan should be based on current information and knowledge, linking science with policy.
  2. The plan should incorporate Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM), balancing its goals with environmental, economic, and human needs, in order to ensure continued provision of ecosystem services, among other reasons.
  3. The plan should be forward-looking.
  4. The plan should integrate various disciplines and stakeholders, including relevant authorities and management and governance bodies.
  5. The plan should combine planning with integrated management of activities and uses in the marine space.
  6. The plan should include stakeholders in all stages of planning and implementation.
  7. The plan should distinguish among different geographic spaces using three-dimensional division and differentiation according to ranges of time.
  8. The plan should be flexible, current, and capable of incorporating lessons learned from experience as well as corrections of mistakes.
  9. The plan should include accessible and interactive spatial representation using effective GIS tools of participation, planning, and management.
  10. The plan should be transparent, clear, and accessible to stakeholders as well as the general public