Stage A Report

Characteristics and Preliminary Insights from Data Collection and Analysis

Stage A products include tasks conducted for the initiation and organization of the plan, guiding principles in the formulation of the plan, and a description of the main characteristics of Israel’s marine space as well as preliminary insights from the collection and analysis of information.

link –Stage A Report

 Guiding Principles in the Formulation of the Plan

The plan will: (1) be based on current information and knowledge, linking science with policy; (2) incorporate Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM), balancing its goals with environmental, economic, and human needs, also to ensure continued provision of ecosystem services; (3) be future oriented; (4) integrate various disciplines and stakeholders, including relevant authorities and management and governance bodies; (5) combine planning with integrated management of activities and uses in the marine space; (6) include stakeholders in all stages of planning and implementation; (7) distinguish among different geographic spaces while considering three-dimensions and appropriate temporal scales; (8) be flexible, current, and capable of incorporating lessons learned from experience as well as corrections of mistakes; (9) include accessible and interactive spatial representation using effective GIS tools of participation, planning, and management; (10) be transparent, clear, and accessible to stakeholders as well as the general public.

 Characteristics and Preliminary Insights from Data Collection and Analysis

  1. A Sensitive Marine Environment Rife with Conflict
  2. A Marine Environment Lacking in Information and Knowledge
  3. A Unique Geological and Biological Sea with Rare Heritage Values
  4. An Oligotrophic, Threatened Sea with Limited Fishing Resources – the Need to Preserve What Exists
  5. The Sea – Rich in Energy Resources
  6. The Sea as a Gateway and Bridge to the World
  7. The Sea for Security and Strategic Depth for the State of Israel
  8. The Sea as a Territorial Reserve
  9. Fragmented Administration and Limited Governance in the Marine Space